The Yumthang tour starts from Gangtok and it takes minimum of 2 days. The distance of Yumthang from Gangtok is approx 145 km. Lachung is the village which falls on the way to Yumthang. On day 1 u’ll be going to Lachung and u’ve to stay there overnight. Lachung has an altitude of 9600 ft. Beautiful fast flowing waterfalls, snow capped mountains, Lachen & Lachung River, Lachung Monastery….all this makes Lachung a perfect holiday destination. On the next day morning u’ll be going to Yumthang which nearly 24 kms from the village Lachung.
Yumthang is situated at an altitude of 12,000 ft. It is generally called “the valley of flowers” as in flowering season there blossoms variety of Rhododendrons, chimals and blue poppies. Yumthang is located on a flat valley and the surrounding mountains seems to kiss the Heaven. On the way from Lachung to Yumthang u will see 108 types of Orchids which bloom in different colours from april-may. The main thing about Yumthang is that the valley is totally covered with snow in winter(November end-march) and with flowers in summer. On day 2, u can come to Gangtok directly or u can stay that day at Lachung(for 3 days Yumthang package) and come back to Gangtok in the next day. That is the end of theYumthang tour.
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